I’ve had the opportunity to preach at my home church (Midland Bible Church) for three weeks, and my three sermons are now up on their website and iTunes. It’s a loose series on the Image of God. I’d appreciate any feedback you can give me (positive or negative) – I know I have a long way to go and would appreciate all the help and insight I can get. So please listen and let me know your (honest) thoughts.
And here is the link to the podcasts on iTunes (stream or download)
Part 1 introduces the Image of God and looks at the contrast of Image-bearers and presence flee-ers in Genesis, specifically chapters 11-12.
Part 2 explains how we are conformed into the Image of God presently by looking at the principle that “you become like what you worship” found in 1 John 3:1-3.
Part 3 explains how understanding the Image of God makes us people of justice, from Isaiah 1:10-18.